
Physical Unclonable Functions: An Introduction to Hardware-based Security Primitive



Due to the rapid development of the industry, hardware security and data protection are becoming increasingly important. Networked sensors and control modules are used in many areas such as IoT applications, smart home systems or in the medical field. These components are used to record, process or transmit data to another station. For example, a production plant can be monitored with the help of several networked sensors and data can be transmitted to a central control station. In the medical field, networked sensors can also record important parameters on the patient in everyday life and transmit them further to a specialist. Data security, especially the protection of sensitive data in critical applications, is therefore essential.

Often, lightweight components have low hardware resource, making the implementation of computationally intensive security methods inefficient. In addition, these components are usually battery-buffered, which also makes high processing difficult.

To increase hardware security, Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) can be used. PUF structures are lightweight, fast and generate individual signals that can be used in various security applications such as key generation, device authentication or IP core protection.

This presentation will focus on an introduction to the applications, challenges and opportunities of PUFs. Different PUF based authentication protocols and the state of the art in research will be described. In addition, measurements and investigations performed in this area will be presented.



Sinan Yavuz

Universität Siegen