Tools for IT-Security
The Institute for IT Security at the University of Lübeck is dedicated not only to research but also to the development and provision of tools that emerge from its research activities. These tools address various aspects of IT security and represent innovative solutions to the challenges in the field of information system security. The list includes tools that have been developed as part of our research activities and are available to both the scientific community and professionals in practical application.
SWAT (Symbolic Web Application Testing) is an advanced tool for analyzing Java web applications for security vulnerabilities and errors, based on concolic execution. It employs dynamic symbolic execution to precisely identify weaknesses. The modular system utilizes JavaSMT for formula creation and strategically coordinates tests with Z3 as the symbolic solver. Ideal for developers who want to test their web applications securely and efficiently.
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Microwalk is a microarchitectural leakage detection framework, which combines dynamic instrumentation and statistical methods in order to localize and quantify side-channel leakages.
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