
GDPR, Privacy Labels, and a Touch of Consent



Smartphones are omnipresent and a cornucopia of personal data. We have to understand how the data we put into our daily apps is used to stay in control of our privacy.

Simon Koch will present his research on the question how developers self-declare and follow up on their data collection practices on the Apple App Store using privacy labels.
The talk then pivots towards the question how much control a user actually has over the data collection practices of an app based on a consent dialog analysis.

After the talk the audience is going to know what an Apple privacy label is, how they relate to data collection practices and how much user choices in a mobile consent dialog impact data collection practices of their corresponding app.



Simon Koch is a doctoral student at the Institute for Application Security at the TU Braunschweig. His research is focused on mobile privacy using dynamic analysis for both Android and iOS. Past work addressed the reliability of iOS privacy labels as well as the design and impact of consent dialog in mobile applications. He has developed and maintains a dynamic measurement framework to analyze smartphone applications on both Android and iOS. Further research interests cover web application security with a focus on PHP static code analysis.



Simon Koch

PhD Candidate
Technische Universität Braunschweig