M. Sc. Alexander Treff

Photo of Alexander  Treff

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, 1. OG, Raum 050

Email: a.treff(at)uni-luebeck.de
Phone: +49 451 3101 6616
Fax: +49 451 3101 6604



Andrija Neskovic, Saleh Mulhem, Alexander Treff, Rainer Buchty, Thomas Eisenbarth, and Mladen Berekovic,
SystemC Model of Power Side-Channel Attacks Against AI Accelerators: Superstition or not?, in ICCAD '23: Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design , IEEE/ACM, Nov.2023.
Weblink: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.13387